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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Why to become a Yoga Teacher?

Well, teaching is best way to practice and to learn any subject. And teaching yoga is not just like teaching any other subject in schools or colleges. A yoga teacher becomes a conduit to pass over the healing energy of universe and share his/her own life consciousness attained through years of practice.

What makes you a good yoga teacher is not just asana techniques or instruction, which you can get from books and even Net. But it is the experience of living consciousness and compassion that pulsates through your voice and gentle touch. And you can experience this only when practice with fellow yogis who lives the life based on principles of yoga – wisdom, peace, bliss, harmony and compassion.

So here is your pick – to go for an expensive commercial training programs to learn few techniques and instruction and get a certificate. Or else, think out-of-box to go an extra mile – to learn and practice with traditional yoga seekers, like us at Yoga Vidya Peetham.

Which Style of Yoga?

How many styles have you practiced? If not many, you should check them out – just to discover for amusement that it’s same poses (asanas) everywhere. Then only difference is the speed and sequence of positions and inclusion of few breathing practices (pranayamas), may be few new names.  So, isn’t it better to learn the classical tradition of yoga practice and then create your own style? – or do you just want to be a tape recorder – to repeat same instructions and same sequence for years – and eventually get bored and look for something else!

What is Hatha Yoga ?

Hatha Yoga – the classical tradition of Indian yogis and basis for all modern styles of yoga – is not just about fitness. The Hatha practice aims to purify the entire physical body – including the nervous, respiratory, blood and elemenatory channels and thereby enhances the powers of concentration, awareness and brings a positive change in our perceptions, attitudes and relationships. And the philosophy and psychology of Indian yogis can deal with all dilemmas of crazy world around us and help us to find a purpose to lead a peaceful and meaningful life.

What is Sivananda Yoga? Do you teach this style?

Sivananda Yoga is the name given to a set of 12 poses in a sequence and accompanied with few pranayamas and Sun Salutations. And you have got chanting Sanskrit mantras at the beginning and end. Comparing to the fitness like yoga classes in the West, this style  is considered to be more spiritual. Basically, it is Hatha Yoga with few standard poses and practices in a particular sequence.

Yes, we teach Sivananda Classes, plus something more – Traditional Hatha Yoga – which is mother of all yoga styles. All our teachers are trained in Sivananda tradition and lived in Sivananda ashrams – but we don’t limit our style to just sivananda yoga nor stick with just 12 pose sequence… So, what we teach is Sivananda plus our own style based on spiritual practices of traditional Hatha yoga.

Do I need an Indian Visa?

An Indian Visa is necessary for all foreigners to enter into India. Please google for your local Indian Embassy website to find out how many days it takes to get an Indian Tourist Visa. Sending your passport to embassy or visa consultant by post could take a week or two. In some countries, you can walk in personally and get the Visa on the same day.

'Tourist Visa’ is easy to get, inexpensive and doesn't need much paper work. If you mention about doing a yoga teacher training, they might ask you to apply for a Student visa, which requires a lot of paper work from our side also and takes weeks to months. While filling in the Tourist Visa application, write the reason of travel as 'Vacation'. 

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